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The Jarbird plugin aims to simplify the concepts to publish components, reduce the amount of code to specify the details of publishing and make that information more reusable.

A common Java library publish with Gradle needs the following parts:

  • Building jar file of the library, this is largely automatic when building code with Gradle java-library plugin.

  • Create publishing and publication block which describe the details in POM file. We need to do some XML manipulation code in the build script.

  • Create gradlePlugin block to describe further details about plugin publishing.

To publish components to Maven Central, we further need

  • Build a jar archive of source code.

  • Build javadoc and a jar archive of javadoc files.

  • Set up signing task to sign the artefacts above.

When we publish components to Artifactory, we need another set of configuration which duplicates part of the information above, in a different format.

It is not trivial to share similar information among sub-projects, some copy-and-paste work is needed, and it is error-prone.

That's where the Jarbird Gradle plugin comes to the rescue.